A Simple Reaction Time Task#

This reaction time task uses the same script as the N-Back-task but builds on a different configuration; essentially, it is a 0-Back task where only one stimulus colour is used. While these items can be modified, it is advised not to do so.


All configuration options are essentially like those for the N-Back task. Main differences or modifications are listed here.

## enable the reaction time mode
## note that nback and nback_mode are obselete through this
## setting, and repeat_probability is defaulted to 1
reaction_time_only = yes

. . .

## probability of having one characteristic repeated
## default to one, but it is advised to change this to 0
## if the layout covers more than one box (see below)
# repeat_probability = 1

. . .

## number of boxes in the grid; they will be arranged in a
## square, so a square number is advantageous;
## for the reaction time task, one is advised, so that the
## stimulus is always centred
num_boxes = 1

## colour of the stimuli
## for the reaction time task only one colour should be chosen
colours = (255, 255, 0)

In the [APPEARANCE] section, the following settings are suggested for a nice reaction time task.

## size of the grid relative to smallest screen dimension
## the button_height will be reduced on either side of the
## screen so it is centred
canvas_size = 0.2

## the colour of grid and fixation cross
## for the reaction time task it is advised to remove the grid
## and only display the fixation cross
colour_grid = none
colour_fixation_cross = (255, 255, 255)

Logging the Experiment#

What should be logged is described in the [LOG] section of the configuration file. For a general overview on their configuration, see here. Although all fields available for the N-Back task are avaialable here, the sensitive values are as follows:


Moving Stimulus#

To move the stimulus around, it suffices to change the following options.

## set the probability to zero so it always jumps
repeat_probability = 0
## increase the number of boxes; this experiment works best with
## square numbers
num_boxes = 49

## increase the canvas size so that the stimulus can use the
## whole screen
canvas_size = 0.9


A screencast of the Reaction Time Task. Simple, as it is supposed to be.

Screencast of the first few trials of a Digit Span Task with standard configuration