Develop or Modify Experiments#

If you would like to program your own experiments using expyriment, the best way to start is their tutorial. All experiments you can find here follow this basic functionality.

If you merely want to change the look and feel, or edit some configurations, you might also want to check the individual documentation, whether your desired functionality is already implemented.

All experiments you find here, can be executed with expyriment 0.7 (which is currently used in the android application) and expyriment 0.9 (which is the most recent version of expyriment). To achieve this, and to further streamline these experiments you can find here, a few extra functions were added or existing expyriment functions were modified. The released versions of the experiments have this functionality included in the same python file; if you wish to change or modify experiments, I suggest to use the files from the repository as this would be easier. You are welcome to suggest changes and make amendments to the functionality provided here!