Translating Experiments#

If you would like to use experiments in a different language or change the display messages, look at the i18n.conf file distributed with each experiment. Each block denoted by square brackets corresponds to one language, the [en] block has English instructions and is the default.

If you would like to change the language of your experiment, please make sure the language is available in the i18n.conf and adjust the language = value in the [GENERAL] section of the configuration file config.conf to the name of that block (e.g. language = en for English).

Changing Instructions#

In case you would like to change any instructions, make sure to preserve the message keys (i.e. the part before the =-sign) and only change what is written afterwards.

If you would like to add an instruction where there is currently none, please add an issue on GitHub; if you would like to remove an instruction completely, please use the value SKIP (e.g. thanks = SKIP) but do not delete it.

Adding a Translation#

To add a translation to an existing experiment, please copy the whole [en]-section in i18n.conf within the same file, and change the block name in brackets to the language code of your translation. Then you can translate all items to the according language; make sure to preserve the key before the =-sign and make sure to not accidentally delete any key as otherwise the experiment may crash.

Contributing Translations#

If you would like your translation to be available to other users, please create a pull request or an issue on the GitHub repository with the translated instructions. For a guide on how to do this, see here.